Alocasia Black Velvet

How to Grow and Care Alocasia Black Velvet

Like Stephania Kaweesakii, this plant is considered one of the ‘jewel Alocasias’ because it’s a diminutive gem. Alocasia Black Velvet is a tropical plant and is the perfect houseplant to make a big impression in small spaces and is also part of the adored aroid family. The shape of the leaves is unique as it resembles an ovate heart and the color of the leaves is deep green, so deep that they almost appear black with silvery white veins. Overall, Alocasia ‘Black Velvet’ is a real dark gem of a plant.

The botanical name Alocasia reginula means the “little queen” with characteristics of dark foliage and a compact growth habit. Their growth seems slow in the beginning but out of the woods when mature. The plant is not cold tolerant. The plan will appreciate a moderate water level because this plant will not tolerate overwatering. This plant will benefit from fertilizing once per month. Repotting will be beneficial once per year.

Alocasia Black Velvet Quick Overview

Alocasia Black PlantThings to Know
Scientific nameAlocasia Reginula ‘Black Velvet
Origin    Borneo
Plant type   Foliage
Lightning  Bright, indirect light.
Watering  Avoid excessively wet conditions or overpotting
Temperature55-86°F (12-30); Won’t tolerate temperatures below  the 13ºC  and dislikes both hot and cold drafts
Soil  Condition  Coarse and free draining soil
Fertilizer   Feed monthly with a balanced fertilizer
Humidity  Medium – high humidity. But 60% to 75% is the best range
Growth 10-15 inches
RepottingAvoid repotting more than once every 2-3 years, 
 and only increase pot size slightly.
PestsSpider mites are the most likely pests.

Alocasia Black Velvet care


Bright, indirect light is recommended for this plant but can tolerate a moderately lower light level. If you are unsure about the light levels, then place this plant towards the filtered sunlight rather than direct sun exposure, as leaf burns can occur. The dark green color on the leaves will achieve when you give it plenty of sunlight and water content.

On the other hand, when the plant is not receiving enough light, it will become weak and notice that new leaves will be smaller and pale in color.  Under artificial light and minimum height, the plant can grow and absorb light energy and also give you a healthy plant.


They do not need excessively wet conditions because they do not stand in moist soil for any length of time. It needs more oxygen around its roots or lower part of the plant.

Alocasia Black Velvet Soil Requirements

The soil condition plays an important role in keeping the roots fixed at all times. The mixed soil should be coarse and free-draining. This plant likes slightly acidic soil, so some organic matter is acceptable. You can explore more about the best garden plant


The tropical plant requires medium to higher humidity which can mainly boost the level to a suitable range.


The temperature is more favorable when it ranges from 55-86°F because it loves slightly more heat.


There are up to 70 species of Alocasia, but has found only one Black Velvet!

Alocasia Black Velvet Care Tips

  • This plant may also go dormant in cool temperatures or dim light. So turning over a new leaf to keep conditions the same as the growing time to prevent dormancy. 
  • This plant tends to lose leaves as new ones appear, then you need to take root through care.
  • A weekly shower of insecticide can help to control pests.
  • Their leaves attract dust, so clean them with filtered water.
  • The soil mixture, temperature, water level, and humidity are the most important things to keep in mind.
  • It is toxic to some pets, so keep it out of reach of pets at the domestic level.


Alocasia black velvet is a beautiful addition to your indoor plant collection, so their care might not be the easiest for new ones, but a tree is known by its fruit, so it is manageable when you give it proper care. On the other hand, this plant is badly affected by pests or mites and is toxic to some animals. You can read more about Alocasia reginula

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